Monday, July 31, 2006
the dawn of a new era...
the camp is gonna start in 6 hours time... the dawn of the new era is time is over...and the time to see familiar faces once again has come...can't wait for blood brings new life, just like how we replaced the's our time to be replaced...rejoiced and be merry....
"he who travels the furthest...last the longest..."
3:41 AM
Saturday, July 29, 2006
major cock up...
^&$*@&(#@#*_#@ (*^)^@*#_)#_)(*$^#@$#@$!%
i hate to start off entries with such a mood...damnation... but damn it... due to some unforeseen circumstances...things juz have to cock up...fuck.. places can be leveled flat in the space of 3 weeks...thank goodness for the recce yesternite..otherwise i willl have a damn "good" time of my life on this coming wed... ccb...argh...
thank goodness i have a bunch of committed frenz who go all out to help solve the matter how shag... the adventurous 7 of bukit batok fitness corner... i salute us! credits goes to
Pravin, the officer
Tonghao, the driver
Zhuohao, the diver
Me, the sect com
Gan, the PS
Gordan, the clerk
and Junming...the police...
totalli wierd combi of ppl doing adventure hike at 3am in the morning... fun experience..but ya..scary too la...
let's hope no more other cock up...
prayer for a good smooth camp:
to whoever is in charge of making decision,i pray for a good camp where the freshies can enjoy themselves. May the programs run on time and can run smoothly so that schedule timings can be met. may the weather be kind on us and allow us to follow thru with our programs. lastly, may no bad accidents happen to anyone during the camp.thanks!
2:26 PM
Friday, July 28, 2006
cosplay in hall ?? KISS???

Logistic Officer, Tonghao as the bland face rocker...

Chair, Pravin as the Big eye mohawk guy

Co-Chair, KY as the starface joker...

Financial Sec, Stuart as the scarred face dude...
4:18 AM
a long nite...
first nite back in hall...old familiars feelings come rushing back...seeing familiar faces, doing familiar stuffz....ah..the feeling of communal living is good... perhaps i'm just not destined to live alone... hopefully...the single room dun have to be single for very long...thank goodness i got all my good neighbours "black" and "white" beside me...
been thru a rather long nite...went to execute some stuffz..execute as in do..not exterminate...nice process, bad ending...oh well...things can oni be better i guess... had a good n long conversation with frenz...once open my eyes on more things... somehow when ppl have some drops to drink, they tend to open up...though it takes more than a few drops to open mi up la...but it was a enriching "sharing" session i guess... oh well...back to the zzz PA report...tml date due..DIE LIAO LA....
"our eyes are meant to look forward, but have you ever turn to see wat's beside you?"
3:45 AM
Monday, July 24, 2006
the dae we wala lalala....wala wala in the evening...
todae went sentosa for recce...bask in the blistering sun...gotten mabbe like 0.5% tanner in the process...after that went to wala wala...went down to support mui in her singing compey...though she din managed to get thru..but it was a good performance be able to face a huge crowd while remaining unfazed is no mean feat....i bet lotsa ppl sure will freak out lor... so cont to jiayou mui..and pursue ur passion in music ar..ahhaa... oh...thanx for the hagen daz ice cream treat too..hehe...i muz have eaten a huge chunk out of ur wallet....
realise that i need to keep up with my movies le...haha...for those who wanna while stock last...
Nacho libre (pravin)
murder ball( marcus)
lakehouse (available)
dragon tiger gate (available)
basic instinct 2 (available, R(A))
"wat dun kill me only make me stronger...pain numbs and wound heals, but spirit will fight on...."
12:44 AM
Saturday, July 22, 2006
that day...again....
according to the chinese calendar...todae is that day againz... it has been 8 years...and still....i can't forget... can't forget how things changes overnight...can't forget how things have become so different... but oh just gotta go along...can't be perpetually stuck in that moment....
sometimes i do would life be if you're still around... your leaving made me realise how precious you are to me... and made me learn how to cherish things more...and not to take things for granted so easily... wat would i turn out to be if you were around?? would i become a spoilt brat? would i become a rebel? or would i juz end up the way i am?? i've no idea too.... perhaps...nah...there aint any perhaps...
in life, we are often not granted many 2nd chances...and we juz let chances and things slip from our grasp... we watch them go away...and regret not making any efforts in keeping them... i'm guilty of all these charges...doing things that i regret....regretting the things not doing... all of these i'm guilty of... i'll do my best to learn from this... and hope i won't do it...
one thing for sure...i know i'll be seeing you again...hope it won't be anytime soon but eventually, at the end of my journey, i know you'll be there for me... i miss you...
"you'll never miss the things that are around you...but it's too late to miss them when they are gone..."
1:08 AM
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
new song by harlem yu...making itz way rapidly up on my playlist...
"things would be so much easier if i could give it up so easily..."黑夜将城市笼罩
11:11 PM
there's a good and bad to everything i guess...things that are may seemingly seems good may end up becoming bad in the end... such things are uncertain....
for ppl who seemingly have tough times ahead...endure on..there'll definitely be a silver lining through all the storms...all u need is to have the heart to break through it...
foc coming soon too... it'll be definitely tough but good time ahead...the day of fruition is near...jiayou~
"in trouble, look for fruition..upon completion, reminisce the process..."
12:46 PM
Sunday, July 16, 2006
final chapter...

me and my company...ok la..not mine....won't wanna own it aniwae.....
ah least this chapter of my life is closed...sayonara..zai more PA le...woot~~ hahaa...
mmmm...and wat can i do todae leiz? more PS2 and more jogging has been decided...muahaha.... next chapter in be unveiled on july 31 2006....
oh...gonna be home alone til wed!! gonna go genting...time to party!!!
"the rats will come out only when the cat is not around...squeak!"
2:37 PM
itz the end...
PA officially so so so glad..haha... now finally i can enjoy my holiday... and start on my work out schedule liaoz... muahahah... will post more fotos soon...
todae went out for a shopping spree...bought a adidas tee and a puma tee....muahaha...loving it ar...haha...almost wanna buy hard gay toy...but it seems to be a bit din get it in the end...haa... but it was qutie fun wor...tempting tempting..ahaha....
ah's been great todae..haha...
"i fight not to win...but for the chance to gloat..."
1:14 AM
Thursday, July 13, 2006
enjoying at last...
todae is the 2nd last dae of fellow interns n mi decided to have a binge! went to dragon gate for dimsum buffet...hahaa..check out the pics ba...

"there's a auntie taking our foto...auntie..why u take our pic huh??"

one foto before makaning..

i eat...u all watch...

big boss eat full full liao...dun disturb..shoo shoo

bye folks~ i'm outta here tml!!! muahahahaa...
somebody stop me!!!
11:04 PM
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
the right one...
often, we are seeking the right anything we do, be it the things we wanna buy to the bf/gf we are gonna have, we are alwaes seeking the "right one"... however, how do u define the right one?? someone/something that fits all your criteria? or issit when u juz feel that the things are right for you?? i duno how ppl choose the right one... things-wise, i duno...mabbe those that i choose can fit all needs will be deemed as the right buy to me....
ppl-wise, i guess itz another whole new level do u know someone is right for u... i guess simply by feeling right is not enuf...simply fufilling all ur criterias and needs is not least to me... i guess for me...the right one is juz simply the one tt i can lay down all my disguise...take off all the masks that i'm wearing...and juz be myself with her around... somehow..i dun think ppl in r/s now can do that...there are alwaes things u can't sae, things u holding back, things u can't do when in the other party presence... those to me are simply not the right one... so for now, let's continue sailing the seven seas with my barrels of rum, and continue be my drunken sailor til i can find my tiny harbour.... aye aye, mate!
"you'll know it's the right one because it never really i right?"
11:58 PM
Monday, July 10, 2006
liar liar....
how many times have u lied todae?? have u ever asked yourself this question?? how do u defined a lie??? saying something you dun mean? or simply saying something tt isn't true...
for me...i guess i lied about mabbe 100 times minimum in a day??
juz imagine...everytime a "haha" or "lol" was typed by me...i'm lying le...
i'm not haha-ing, i'm not laughing out loud... and technically, that would be a lie wouldn't it... i wonder if i can stop lying to myself....
"the one thing that u want would be the one thing that u never have...i want you..."
9:51 PM
Saturday, July 08, 2006
of camps and clown...
snr camp ended yestdae...the 2 daes 1 nite of senior camp was over just lidat... to everyone who made the effort to come down and help out and participate...thanks alot... it was a nolstagic feeling to be able to relive the good old days and see some familiar faces that i have not yet seen for a long time... thanks to my CPs, who made the games entertaining...hope u all absorbed enough comments to make our actual camp a successful one...and i foresee it will be...with everyone of you workng your guts out in thinking and improving on the programs...the list of thanks is to all those who helped out in one way or another...thanks... to those tt i pissed off or snap at during the past 2 daes...sorriez....
but on a side note...personally this yr camp ain't as happy as i would like it to be...i guess it'll be from the difference in roles i plaed during the camp ba...last yr was juz a cgl...juz go down to have fun n comment...lesser burden...lesser worriez...
this year however, everything have to worry...worry abt the camp schedule, the games, the logistics required, the timing to meet, and all other nitty gritty...wah..itz damn diff to have fun when u have to bear all these additional burden i guess...but ah be it....
i guess the life of a maincomer is juz like a clown ba...lotsa blood, sweat and tears devoted to creating happiness for other ppl...impt thing is they are happy....
perhaps life works the same way too? sometimes there's a line between making someone else happier and being happy yourself... it's another of those issues about balance.... how to balance between keeping urself happy and making the someone u care about stay happy..... ah well.... fuggit....
"and the wonder of it that you just don't much i ...."
5:41 PM
Friday, July 07, 2006
I hate stingray...
stingray in not the stingray that u add alot of balachan to and chow it down with onions etc...but the one swimming ard in my office...duh...give us funnie assignment with funnie date lines...zzz... luckily oni one week left...
tml is snr camp..yay~ get to enjoy camp mood againz..hahaa...shiok shiok...shall enjoy myself fully tml..muz remind myself to bring my darts tt i can plae darts while waiting...muahaha...
"the last thought on ur mind is the thing u care about the most...i thought of you again tonite..."
1:12 AM
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
life will not gives u wat u want...
i guess in life, itz quite hard to get wat we alwaes wanted... somehow at different point of times, different things will happen to you that affect your thinking... wat u want may change, wat u need may change, and even wat u think may changes according to the situation that life has presented itself to u... i guess that's the reasons for discontentment, unsatisfaction and all sorts of feelings that associated with wanting more and more out of yourselves, your frenz, or out of life.... ppl will complain that life is not being fair, life is a bitch, life sucks, life is (enter watever negative connotation here)... but however, sometimes ppl juz dun realise...itz not life that has changes...itz yourself...
the same situation can happen everydae..but how u deal with it, how u react to it each time may be totalli different... for example, initially doing a piece of work may interest u, allow u to gain satisfaction...but given time, u'll start to feel that the same piece of work is not giving enuf of a challenge, or simply is juz mundane and boring... so whose fault is it? Life?? or yourself?? people will blame life...most ppl are quick to blame...itz juz human nature... but alwaes remember...when u are pointing a finger at someone else, there's 3 other fingers pointing back at yourself... bitching about how things don't turn out well won't make the situation improve (at least i feel shiok after complaining)... but after the bitching...there muz be the adjusting phase.. adjusting ur mindset towards the situation and make the best out of it... after all, humans can evolve because we know how to adapt well and fast... if not...we might juz become extinct like dinosaurs liao....
moral of the story: bitch less and accept ur fate... you can only suck thumb...
"the best thing that happen was meeting you... being with you is juz the next best thing.."
10:49 PM
Sunday, July 02, 2006
damn long post...warning..contains language not suitable for minors...
todae is work dae...there's nothing much to talk abt fri nite..e.xcept tt we can't find a seat at changi v...can't watch the world cup or the ah gua's cups.... but great thing was that germany won argentina!! whoo....
todae work was juz infuriating.... u see the good side of ppl...esp those who realli appreciate ur effort in giving them the goodie bags...and the bad ugly side of ppl...u cannot imagine the things they will do to get a goodie bag...
scenario 1:
"boy ar...i take one for my ah ma, one for my son, one for my sister, one for her daughter hor..."
might as well take for ur whole damn family la... kpkb.... kns....scenario 2:
"eh..i see them take more than one lor....i oso take la...can la...gimme 2 can?? make that 4 la...."
fuck u...ppl strike 4d, i nver strike...did u hear mi complain to singapore pools??? ccb...scenario 3: "auntie, this goodie bag for tourist oni...staff take later..."
"can la...i going off le leiz... later i wunt be around lor...take now la...i take 2 hor..."
damn u la... u dun understand eng ar...if u need to go..dun take la...otherwise wait lor....scenario 4:
"auntie/uncles...if u all take now, we'll be scolded by our supervisor one la...."
"nvm la...which one ur supervisor, i help u see la...i take a few never mind one la...."
fuck's me getting scolded...of course u dun mind la... ccb...which part of ur damn brain u not using?? see goodie bag until brain cannot work ar....scenario 5:
"uncle cannot take now..come back later..."
**slowly reach for goodie bag**
cb....u all SAF train ar?? army train u all to kop goodie bags rite?? zai time we mobilised the above 50 yr old uncles to go kop enemies goodie bags okiez???there are countless methods ppl used to kop the damn goodie bags... damn u all for making my life difficult todae...damn u all for making me work extra hard todae...and i damn u all for depriving those nice tourists(exclude those who stormed my counter for countless goodie bags, and those who take for their entire ancestor lines back home, and those who roam from counters to counters to lie to us and get their goodie bags) of their goodie bags....
1:57 AM