Tuesday, October 31, 2006
trick or treat ??
aha...these few daes is all abt studying, gaming, darts and sleep...tt's how life shuld be..haha..no more insomnia...but got a freaking sore throat brewing...and sore throat normalli is the start of the combo...eew...sux...muz drink more water n more water!! rar~~~
ah..todae is halloween too..bought some chocs to giveaway..haha...ah well...no tricks still got treats...itz great being my fren i guess...lol... somehow hor...typing blog entry seems like talking to myself lidat leiz...so wierd...mmmm....ah well...
KY: hey ky, so how's the dae?? celebrated halloween?? ky: eh.. hi..normal day la...exams coming lor....sianz..muz study...halloween ar?? mmm..okiez la...abit lor..give out chocolates oni lei...you??KY: nah..i din celebrate too...i'm you mah..if you din celebrate.. that means i dun celebrate too wor...how am i supposed to celebrate when u dun celebrate right??ky: oh ya hor...how come i din think of that ar?? mmm....stupid mi leiz...oh ya..but todae hor...our toilet got some mofos again...use a shitload of toilet paper until the toilet bowl cannot flush it away...damnz...KY: wah...tt mofo think he got gigantic ass or wat ar? need to use so much toilet paper meh??ky: i oso duno leiz...think mabbe he got period or wat ba...bleeding from down there...then need alot...he used half a roll lor!! wth...KY: aiyah..hall toilets lidat one i guess...esp with those mofos with the queer names...alwaes destroy toilet...ky: yeah man...totalli la...fiakz... too used to digging holes with changkols i guess...not used to press button n see shit flush away....KY: lol..."to be successful, it's alwaes gonna be your fault...never mine..."
11:43 PM
Saturday, October 28, 2006
gotten a good nite sleep...am gonna go home this weekend after so long too..ahh..finally...
"home sweet home..."
1:24 PM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
had a damn nitemare again yesterdae nite... it's kinda like a recurring one...somehow...i juz had recurring nitemares...either something is wanting to prove a point...or it's gonna be a vision..i've no idea wat's gonna happen and i kinda hate such feelings... since the start of this month...been starting to have dreams like this...abit the cannot take it...yesterday nite was the last straw...i end up not being able to sleep in my own room..rather..dun dare to sleep in my room animore...damn....damn damn damn...it's time to find out wat's wrong liao....
"dreams are wat reality based on...i hope my dreams not..."
12:41 PM
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
wat's the reason that you cry...
why have you left me behind..
the day that u left,
was the day i die...
"the truth that can't be covered, the scene that i want it avoided..."
4:18 AM
Sunday, October 22, 2006
trust and protect...
trust i guess is something to be earned and not easily give...how much a person trust you and to wat extent he/she trust you...is something so intangible that i oso duno how to describe it.... at least to me...i believe that trusting someone is the equivalent of him trusting another third party...so by telling something to A, A might tell it to someone else that he trust, B...but then...B might not be the one u trust...and here we have it ...circle of trust...or untrust... so shuld i trust??? i guess the best way out is no...dun trust?? but that ain't good too... perhaps sometimes...humans should learn how to trust abit ba...giving faith in someone ain't tt diff...but somehow it leads back to the self defense mechanism of human...
have u think how diff it is to try drown yourself, choke yourself or any other things similar?? it's all because the self protecting instinct of the brain...when trying to drown yourself..you'll definitely want to fight for a breath of air...and tt kinda defeat the purpose doesn't it?? similarly, when u punch a wall or hard surface..deep down u wunt hit it with 101% force...you'll reserve some unknowingly.... oni when u can manage to make ur brain switch off then u can do all these things to hurt yourself... but somehow...the brain dun switch off easily one...oni mabbe thru drugs or damn lots of liquor....
ah well...juz food for thoughts...dun worry ppl...i wunt do anything stupid...there are still things precious to me....
"hanging on by a moment of insanity...giving up only when hope is dead...."
4:20 AM
Friday, October 20, 2006
death note again...
remember my question abt whose name shall i write if i have a deathnote...i know le...it'll be...MINE!!!... this might be the way how i write it....
Phang Kang Yu
enjoyed a good dinner at XXXX time.... bought a 5 million insurance with the money he embezzled from work and the beneficiary is his mother... after that had a big celebration where he drank alot of liquor and enter a very high state... fell unconscious and subsequently die of alcohol poisoning at XXXX time a very happy man...
"the best things in life dun come easy...if itz easy, it aint' life..."
4:07 AM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
sometimes i guess itz quite diff to find someone willing to compromise with you... ppl will start to take you for granted...impose their thinking on you...and slowly slowly..expect you to change for them...perhaps most ppl haven realli heard of this thing call "do no unto others wat u dunwan them to do to you..."
mabbe itz juz me...but i dun expect ppl to do aniting for me...afterall...if i can do it myself..why would u wanna do it for mi?? after all...i dun think ppl would expect much of mi... however, when ppl do things for me...the appreciation comes great... and i'm oblige to do things back for them...tt's wierd... why would i do that?? i keep asking myself...but itz juz tt when ppl do things for u, u'll feel good...and naturalli i'll wanna do things that make them feel good too... but sometimes...when you are the one doing things that make ppl feel good all the time...you'll get sianz too i guess...i think i am sian le...
and todae was a rather thinking nite... ppl making their other half angry when they are playing dota... mmm... i know...u might ask...is dota more impt or me(the gal) more impt... so of course the gal shuld be prioritise over a mere computer game... well...of course...other half is more impt... tt one no need ask one...but i came to realise one thing... i'm one of the few that can still plae games without anyone else getting unhappy over it...
"ppl juz queue up for the things they see...they juz dun see the queue for them..."
4:44 AM
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
death note...
if you have a death note...wat would be the first name you would like to write down....
if u duno...deathnote is actuali a notebook that enables u to kill the person whose name you write down and face u can picture in your mind....so if you have the deathnote...wat would be the first name u write down....
i'm seriously thinking abt this question...
food for todae: shredded salmon pasta in creamy sauce + blue coral
"wat is power if u dun abuse it..."
3:54 AM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
itz juz another one of those nite...if i could...i'll follow you into the darkness...and leave behind the things that u left behind for mi...
for now...i can only fade into the darkness in a little corner...fading bit by bit...
"the eyes that no one else can read..."
2:26 AM
Sunday, October 15, 2006
just for laugh..(if you understand...)
GCE 'O' Levels
Hokkien Exam Paper
1. Read the passage carefully
2. Grade yourself with the grading system at
the end of the passage after reading.
3. Not that difficult, chin chai do lah !
Section A: Orrler Exeminetion (60 marks)
Singalella why become rich ?
Koo zhar wu chee ay char bor kia, Singalella.
She got two sisters, but the stepmarder and
the sisters all damn kuai-lan, so she quite
zhia-lat oso.
Last time Singalella got own maid, but now
she become the amah.
Everyday must cook lah, clean lah, simi sai
mah bao-kah-liao.
If her sister say liak kar zhuak, she liak.
Tak jit zho kah tau-hin.
CPF poon boh.
But then, kay piak eh ah-pek got one son call
Ah Ming got party.
So he say, "oeh, long chong lai ah."
Singalella very happy because she never go
party before but then her step-marder
say, "Lee Mana eh-sai kee, this one bahru lu
eh sisters wu standard."
Then Singalella must zho sui-sui for her
sisters and step-marder.
Tap pai how, buay zhia, buay koon and buay
That night she only can wave bye bye and
then she go back to the kitchen and cook
Maggi mee.
Her neighbour came over and ask, "Eh, an-
zhua lu boh kee party?"
So Singaalella kong, "I-wan, lau-bu kong
buay-sai, so boh pian."
She never expect but the neighbour
say, "Aiyah, kee lah, I give you money."
So singalella brush teef and zhang-zhui,
chen-kor, after that look very different.
She quickly run to opposite of the beh-chia-
lor, already 11 o'clock.
At the party, Ah Ming also quite sian because
the char bor all boh sui one.
Dance floor even got one ah pek dancing.
Just as Ah Ming told himself, "Aiyah see-pay
zhia-lat", Singalella came in.
Ah Ming straight away lau nuar.
"Wah-lau eh, see-pay heng ah, chee kor
buay pai."
Ah Ming say to Singalella, "eh, sui eh, wah ai
kah lee zho flen!"
Singalella say ok but Ah Ming like octopus,
touch here touch there.
But then just it was 12 o'clock, one ah pek
die on the dance floor.
He become ghost and tell Singalella all the
good 4D number.
So after that Singalella quickly go and buy
4D, and then tiok tau-pio, zhit-pak ban.
So she pay back the kay-piak eh lau-kay-poh
and then kah kee cho sen-lee.
Simi kuan eh sen-lee wah mana eh zhai.
Section B: Grades - Gauge Your command
of Hokkien....
A1. Can understand the story and pronounce
Hokkien correctly.
Hokkien eh sai, bo beh zao.
A2. Can understand half story and/or cannot
pronounce Hokkien properly.
zhia lat
E8. Don't understand story and/or catch no
leow leow, mai ka lang kong you is Hokkien
F9. Don't understand rating
3:32 AM
Thursday, October 12, 2006
lost and forgotten....
lately....been feeling very lost...i've seems to lost track of time...or rather...kind of forgotten wat time is... my nites are being turned into day...and the worst thing is..it's veri diff to sleep at nite...i'm unable to find peace within myself.... i just keep wondering from day to day like a zombie....when it comes to sleeping...i'll become a vampire...staring up at nothingness....at the dark abyss... this is definitely wrong...
come this fri...i hope i'll be cure...i hope i'll find courage...i hope...
"when i'm lost and you refused to be forgotten..."

looks similar???
3:58 AM
Friday, October 06, 2006
MAF aka Mid Autumn Festival
todae is the official day of maf...44 had our celebration yest... guess for a fair number of people, it was a fairly elaborate celebration....
firstly, we had a steamboat... spend quite a fair amount of cash on getting the food for the ppl...there was like a huge tray of assorted balls...fishballs, fishballs with chillies, pork ball, pork ball with mushrooms, pork balls with seafood, chicken balls, chicken balls with mushrooms...etc etc...yeahz...u can call it a "balls" affair...
but we still had a fair amount of veges, meat and other seafood... and i guess the steamboat was quite a good one...considering the food that even me, hh, stuart can't finish...ya...it's realli alot...
after that we went to plae lanterns and sparklers...yeah...i know...23 is a rather old age for lanterns i guess..but ah well... the next time i plae will most probz be mabbe when i'm a dad liao lor..bring my kids go plae...so ya...i had my own special green "ghostly" coloured lantern too...muahaha... went up to the top of sadm to carry lanterns and to "appreciate" the moon.... aha...
after that a bunch of us gathered at meixuan's room to have mooncakes and drink some sheridan's...courtesy of zz..haa..mooncake shuld be eaten with tea and not liquor..but oh well...it's not tt bad a combo too la..hahaa....
ah well...time to slack... @ home with my mom..shall pei her eat some moon cakes...muahaha....
"the only proof of your life is the memories that u had...."
10:36 PM
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
sleeping is an escape... i sleep and sleep the whole day...but every time i wake up... i face reality...tt sux...is there anyway i can sleep for long? i wonder....
"sometimes it hurts to simply think so much...."
4:56 PM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
something's definitely wrong...
been starting to study of late...trying to keep up at least with the current tutorials and seminars and at the same time squeeze in revision of previous chapters... yeahz...it's not normal... so not me rite...but duno...somehow am starting to feel the pressure...with exams in 6 weeks time, projects still oncoming and in progress... starting to feel the need and urge to study...nobody forced me...totalli studying cause of my own accord.. i guess that's a good thing ba... but somehow...i still feel that something is wrong with me studying.....
been having wierd dreams of late... somehow been dreaming abt the familiar ppl, familiar places etc... i wonder wat does it mean... is it because i'm gonna graduate and leaving the hall soon that's why starting to subconsciously missed the place where i spend the past 2 yrs plus of my life... i've no idea why too.... somehow...those dreams are a reminder of where i am, where i was...and where i will never will be.... it all seems so real...and yet so far away at the same time... i guess i'm a conscious dreamer...ie: i know it when i'm dreaming... and sometimes....i just wish i dun have to wake up from all these dreams and can keep myself locked/freeze in time...
"the difference between dreams and reality is the waking up..."
7:16 PM