and extra credits goes to kam, hh for sitting with me thru the merlion conversion course... hahaa... and of course cat for getting mi a veri nice present (exactly wat i wanted! wallet without coin pouch!!)
hahaha...and to little miss xy for the cuff links! ahhaa...
and thanks to the barclays folks who send mi their well wishes, too bad u folks can't make it down... and not forgetting the well wishes of karena, huishan, xueyu, cherin, zhuohao, jieying, liyee, stuart, zhiyong, angela, herry, agas, amanda, rong2, wanxin, joanie, siqi, sern, jasmine, cw and last but not least...lp...
thanks to all of you who remembered... i hope i din miss out anyone...oh least i believe i din miss out anyone least as of 23:59.. hahaa....
"and the clock strikes 12...the dream ends..."