had nite cycling the other nite.... it's like the 3rd nite cycling for me..and i believe it'll be the last le.... i'm getting way too old for it... butt was sore...body was aching like mad when i eventually reached east coast park... but it was still fun.... i love catching up with frens... especially when u're cycling down the endless stretch of road... and being in my own world with my own music in the depths of the nite... simply enjoying the music n the cool breeze of the nite... though it was a tiring trip..i'm still glad i'm went down for it...

zz, jas and me...all acting cute...

some for the guys...

and some of the gals...

zz, me and danny at a rest point not lookin veri happy...

fave pic of the nite.... caught in midair!
"to proved you have lived...and to prove you have loved..."