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Thursday, June 14, 2012
when u dun see light at the tunnel..

a sudden post.. but i guess i just need a outlet to write down how i feel before everything implode...
just heard from my bro one of his friend might not make it through tonite..
my bro was asked to go visit his friend at the icu..

and although the friend refuse to admit it.. my bro can sense that he was afraid..
i guess he was afraid of no longer being around.. afraid of no longer being with his friends/family.. afraid of everything when it ends...

i think that's a fear everyone would have...though few would openly admit it..
it's because of the love for the things that you treasure.. that's why you will be afraid of losing it..
and when things like death come knocking on your door.. it's just soo...

i just pray that the kiddo gets more time...and get well.. if possible at all...

"learning to love is the beginning of all fears..."

9:27 PM

0 sailed with me
Thursday, March 03, 2011

It has been decided. The date will be this fri.
Many ppl are questioning me why in earth would i quit a so call high paying job when I have yet to secure
Any other offers. But who actually bothers abt I felt.

I dread going to work.
I dread the nonsensical n brainless emails.
I hate the silence at night when no friends are around and everyone is slogging in silence.
I hate having no time for my family.
I hate to start my emails with "apologies" when it ain't my fucking fault.
I hate feeling angsty at work.

So what if the money is decent.
So what if my hours are not exactly long.

Putting everything down. I just see more pros than cons.
So why on earth do you all want me to stay on.

I just want to find my smile back.

2:31 AM

0 sailed with me
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Din realize I have not posted here for 1 whole yr.
And yes. I'm back.

And reason why I'm posting is cause I don't feel good.
And this is simply a outlet whereby I let my guard down and my thoughts be known.
And after one yr. I dont think anyone will read this dead blog anymore.

It seems that life is unpredictable. One moment you are healthy as a fiddle. Next moment you are notify your expiry date.
It simply have its way of twisting your arms at the moment when it hurts you the most.
And don't worry. I'm not talking abt myself. At least not yet I hope.

It just kinda Sux to know Tt such a young life is due to expire sometime in the near future.
Even though I don't know u, perhaps only by name, your plight grieves me as well.

Nevertheless. I hope you stay strong and overcome this adversity in your life.
This will be your biggest battle.

Good luck and all the best.

4:42 AM

1 sailed with me
Monday, January 18, 2010

yeah..itz the new year..din realize i din update for so long...
but ya... first post of the year... go buy 4d k?

time flies..2010...things zooming by... work/weekend/age/parents/money...
ya... everything just flies by...

kinda not such a good thing...

finalli played some darts todae...great to have the feel back...
perhaps we should plae more of it...
something to do tog...

rather than modelling hur..which seems anti social cuz i will be hermitize at home smelling thinner... though itz still my passion..kinda like a cheapo pursuit of art....

perhaps itz just my way of doing something i am good at... .

perhaps i outstayed my stay tonite...

good nitez...

"my greatest weakness remains the same...it seems..."

1:51 AM

0 sailed with me
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

yesh..itz another one of those sporadic posts again..
damn sianz of work..
kinda have a idea on how to focus at work from now til end of yr..
gotta work hard for appraisal..
though figures are realli a pain in the ass...

other things as well..not rosy..
dunno wat/how...

i guess...famous saying..see how...

"perhaps...itz juz a in the moment thing.."

12:53 AM

0 sailed with me
Friday, October 02, 2009

i know..it's been ages...
but juz came across something that i needa share...
interpret it however you want...


女子心想: “他们家竟穷到连蜡烛都没有吗?千万别借他们,免得被他们依赖了!”


12:57 AM

0 sailed with me
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

yupz...itz me and my sporadic postings once again...
blog's pretty dead recently...

anyway.. juz hope that everyone enjoying their life rite now...
with 6 weddings coming my way... i guess life's pretty much a bliss for everyone...

though there are bad news too..ppl with jobs concerns, r/s probz..
but hope everyone will see the silver lining soon...

yeahz.. tt's abt it... til next time..

"look towards the bright side...arbor look for me..."

2:17 AM

0 sailed with me