Tuesday, May 29, 2007
do you have something that u wanna protect?? or mabbe even wanna keep?? wat are the extent that u will wanna do something so much to protect that thing? i guess everyone has something they wanna protect... and for me...i guess i just wanna protect the smile on your face...
watched finished "my little chef".... nice jap drama...highly recommended if u all are interested in french cuisine... and it's amazing how food can tell the stories of people's life...
given the chance to describe your life using appetizer, main course and dessert...wat would it be??
"i guess FAMILY really means; father and mother, i love you..."
3:01 AM
Monday, May 28, 2007
i've been watching "my little chef"... this short jap drama about a talented but young female chef who cooks in a tiny french restaurant... she has a knack of creating meals according to customers preferances and can moved their hearts... itz a realli nice show... it just makes me wanna cook... watch the show n wept along with it..for i guarantee it will move you too...
10 episodes....10 different tastes....
i went for a run just now at my house area too...at nite...it turns up to be quite a serene place...u could just hear the crickets n bullfrogs in the grasses... coupled with the evening breeze and starry nite... it could actually be taken for a rather romantic place for couples to stroll...and of course u have to ignore the foreign workers sitting around...
during my run, i saw a family of four coming down to the play ground and enjoying some family time... and somehow... the pangs of regrets came back... i miss the time where my family plae together... i miss the time dad was around... and i guess...i miss dad....
"what is ur taste of life..."
12:14 AM
Sunday, May 27, 2007
a presummer dream...

a blurry picture of the moon on a presummer night...

a yummy/yucky? meal on this presummer night...

closeup of the ultimate chicken ham cheese baguette

okiez....baguette proven to be edible...

the bright and sunny weather in Sentosa, where the clouds are white n the skies are blue..

evening sets on the sunny island...

the ground crew that are non pilot...
5:41 PM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
would you be there...
If I were blue, would you be there for me,
And whisper in my ears instead.
Would you stand by me, let me hold you tight,
And say you love me one more time.
If I'm away, would you still think of me,
And wish that you could call me now.
Would you die for me, would you run with me,
And never look back..
Would you be there to love, to be with me?
Would you swear that your love is always true?
Would you say that you'll always be the one,
to take my breath away?
Would you be there?
If I'm away, would you still think of me,
And wish that you could call me now.
Would you die for me, would you run with me,
All the way?
Would you be there to love, to be with me?
Would you swear that your love is always true?
Would you say that you'll always be the one,
to take my breath away?
Would you be there?
10:35 PM
pwah...was watching the 9pm chinese show...the more i watch, the angrier i get...rarrr~~ the irritating mother in law...the 2 face bitch who abuses the kiddos...angry sia...%^$*%$#
watched deal or no deal too... interesting game...ahah... bah..duno wat the hell i'm talking liao....bye...
"somethings just dun have to make sense to others...as long as they make sense to u..."
9:41 PM
travel plans...
todae went down to the tour agency to get my air tix...end up din get...ended up going library to plan my trip to USA...
decided that i shall make a 2 dae transit in japan...den shall go visit akihabara, shibuya, harujuku and shinjuku...den go over UCLA...many places i wanna visit in USA... grand canyon, yosemite nature park, las vegas, and many more...den after mabbe go Mexico or Canada...wahaha...sounds good eh...dun jealous...wahaha.... but too bad i'll miss all the bdaes in july...damn...wasted...
but at least got the chance to celebrate Independence Day...wooh~
am so excited...wahaha....
"let's hope nothing will go wrong this time... let's hope..."
12:10 AM
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
came across this horoscope abt taurus...so true that's it scary...
其 实,这些都是对金牛座的误解,金牛座的人性格要比这些复杂的多。金牛座的人确实是寡言少语,不过,这并不代表没有思想、没有见解。恰恰相反,金牛座的人大 多都是很有思想和内涵的,只是有时候他们不屑于无谓的争辩或是和无聊的人争辩,他们心里都很蔑视那些喳喳呼呼而有毫无水准的人。
金 牛座的人通常对吃的要求很高,但这并不代表他们就是贪吃。他们喜欢的是精美可口的食物而并非仅仅是填报肚子,对垃圾食物他们一般是不屑一顾的。因为他们对 味觉比常人较敏感,所以他们把吃也当作是一种欣赏品位的过程。而金牛座对事物的鉴赏能力也是很出名的。另外,美食还可以减轻金牛座常常产生的焦躁不安情绪 以及莫名其妙的低落心情。而这种情绪是常常回在金牛座的身上出现的,也就是所谓的低潮期。
金 牛座的人有很重的浪漫情怀,感情细腻也很激烈,但由于他们不善于表达,所以总给人一种冷漠无情的错觉,其实金牛座的人对感情是很认真的,也愿意为爱人赴汤 蹈火,但是一旦受到伤害,他就回用封锁一切的态度来面对感情。表面上他可能装作毫不在乎(通常牛儿们都是这样做的)其实心里在乎的要命。
他 们相信爱情,但是对爱情的结果通常抱以悲观的看法。归根到底,金牛座是彻彻底底的悲观主义者。但是他们的行为不完全消极,反而给人一种积极向上的感觉,他 们对名利、金钱虽然看的很透彻,但仍怀有或强或弱的欲望,这就是为什么金牛座的人喜欢拼命赚钱但是绝不拜金,他们是不屑于做金钱的奴隶的。
金 牛座的人大多是很有主见的,当然这一点有时候过分了就成了固执了。他们有独创的意见和启发他人的能力,这种才能会不会表现出来当然还得看他们乐不乐意。他 们也很富有叛逆精神,但通常不会做出太越轨的事,因为他们在这方面还是较为懒散的,但一旦刺激了他们这根神经,他们肯定会作出一些离经叛道的惊人之举,小 心被逼得没有后路的他们是最危险的。
金牛座在某些方面有着惊人的领悟力,或是数学、或是哲学、更多的是音乐和艺术方面。在这些领域他们可 堪称天才。虽然他们表面温温吞吞的,但其行事乖张不下于双子,而平常人根本猜不透他们毫无表情的外表下到底在想些什么,他们也不会喜欢跟人粘得腻腻歪歪 的,保持距离是他们的处世哲学,虽然这并不代表冷漠。所以爱上金牛座的人是很折磨人的一件事。
12:54 AM
Monday, May 21, 2007
i still remember my childhood days...the days where after sch is going to the multi-storey carpark to play catching...and the endless 1-legged catching during recess... den it'll be the walking home from school to 2nd aunt house... ahh...those daes are so carefree and enjoyable..everyday go school is juz to plae and not study much...and the badminton buddies...training was tough but still we managed to make it together...
and 2ndary school times...endless chatek, tennis soccer and fooling ard at KAP...that times were not bad too...
and JC daes....S25 and s81... life was good... i wish i could relive those time again...haiz...time n tide wait for no man... or woman i guess... i wish i wish...haizzz...
."every life is a dream... you never know when you'll wake up from it..."
11:58 PM
Sunday, May 20, 2007
choices choices...
went sentosa todae...quite fun...plae dodgeball, frisbee... damn hot sun...kena burnt big time...but it's quite fun though...thanks to the jnrs for organising ar... ahaha...
hmmm.... wat would ppl do in a situation like this?
a guy was ditched by his girlfren...and after 2 yrs...he met a new girl and go together with her...and now, he met the ex again... and then, the ex tell him she still like her... and their breakup was all cuz of a misunderstanding... both the gals are damn nice gal...but how should the guy chose?? he din lose all feelings for the ex, and yet he likes the current gf too.... so how how how?? btw, the ex is prettier imo...
"life is about choices..."
12:05 AM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
good old days...
was rummaging thru my past photos and letters...ahh...reliving those good old days... haha... it feels good to be young again...i guess... and that time ain't coming back...and i've come to a conclusion...boy was i chubby in the past...damn... thankfully now different le.... say goodbye to chubby arms~ haha..
all the different foto albums juz remind mi of the different time i have....
sec sch NPCC trip to Perth, Crescendo, Wallaby and finally Tioman after I ORD, then all the different FOCs from Pyrius, to Phyxion to Pleides.... and the days of 44...from dungeon to level 4 to single room...ahh...those are realli the good old daes....
"people die, things changed, but memories last forever..."
7:14 PM
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
itsy bitsy spider...
hmmm....ppl ard me who watched sae spiderman 3 sux... after watching it for myself...somehow i think it ain't tt bad... at least there's a consistent theme behind the show...which i think is frenship n forgiveness....mmmm.... ah well...no point pondering over it...juz another movie..
life's been boring...nothing to do at all...driving me mad...bah~~
"time slows to a crawl without having anything to drag it down..."
1:03 PM
Saturday, May 12, 2007
the week of the weak
long time din post...cuz i've been realli sick!! and ya...sick sux... and of course i've been doing other things too la... here's wat i've been up to....

Blu Duel VS Saviour

Crossbone X1 Gundam... model like post...

another Crossbone pic... doesn;t the pic remind u of Bu Jing Yun from Feng Yun??
check it out below...
"when you are sick, you'll be bored...when you're bored...you think..."
10:03 PM
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Life’s a journey,
For some too long, for some too short
Time passes us by,
For some too fast, for some too slow
Friends walk with us,
Maybe a short while, maybe forever
With each phase, with each year
Distances grows greater
No matter how far we are
To me, we’re just a heartbeat apart.
11:56 PM
Monday, May 07, 2007
argh...sick since sat til todae...damn it..muz be the whole past week of boozing, fried food n bbq food and lack of sleep...zzz....sleeping incredibly lots at home..damn shag... damn sick oso..bah...
i hate being sick...
oh...dun ever mix sheridan, vodka and chivas together...it taste...SUCKY...!~
"the best cure for sickness.."
11:08 AM
Thursday, May 03, 2007
poems on the final night...
tonite is my final in hall le...after tonite..it'll be farewell hall 8, hello the cruel world! ahh..sianz...
somehow, the poem below fits the mood perfectly...
and another one by me...
"life is full of ups and downs... u lift me up and i let u down..."
7:06 PM
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
2:44 PM
one and only...
the only 24th birthday i'll ever have...and it's good...because of the following things...
1. the frens

2. the activities

3. the food

4. the presents...

and thanks to many well wishers...i had a good day because of all of you....
"appreciate the finer things in life...because they are simply fine..."
1:30 AM
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
happy birthday...
thanks to all my frens who wished mi a happy birthday...realli appreciate all of you for remembering me!
"it's the little things that touches people the most..."
2:24 AM